Sarim Burney Welfare Trust
Established by Sarim Burney, a social activist and entrepreneur, Sarim Burney Welfare Trust International is non-profitable trust representing the oppressed and less privileged population. At SBWTI, we work tirelessly to combat poverty, injustice, conflict and disaster.
We stand firm alongside the vulnerable people to help them get their basic rights, improve their living conditions and stay protected from the unjust conditions. Within no time, the trust has become Pakistan’s one of the fastest growing organizations.
More than an organization, SBWTI is a belief that together we can work for a harmonious future, free of discrimination, injustice, and inhumanity; a feeling that with every passing day we are making a difference; and a make-believe attitude that by helping others, you can reinforce the long lost faith of people in humanity.
Every day at Sarim Burney Welfare Trust International encourages us to do what is right, even if it is not that easy. We strive to increase the awareness among people and promote civil liberty and social justice across all segments of the society.
Under the leadership of Mr. Sarim Burney, we have assembled the best lawyers to provide legal assistance, advocacy and render their expertise in sensitive cases. From impoverished families fallen foul of immigration scams to the children being trafficked for camel jockeying, we have raised our voice against all forms of inhumane activities.
The Mission
- To make the society well-versed with the basic human rights that many people do not know or cannot appeal for due to the lack of required resources.
- To empower the women regarding their basic human rights, represent their narratives, and help them take on the mantle of sharing their Intel and stories.
- To collaborate with other human rights activists; train them and guide them about the human rights issues to make sure free will is promoted and well preserved.
- To create a legal awareness across and outside the country by providing free legal advice and assistance on the humanitarian issues wherever, whenever needed.
- To unleash the stories of the oppressed, downtrodden women and children, and fight for their rightfully deserved basic human rights they are forced away from.
- To develop alliances with other networks, and lobbying with different government institutions and non-government organizations and work on the human rights issues.
- To help people in desperate poverty by devising self-sustainable projects in Pakistan and help the underprivileged classes generate income they can make a living with.
- To help rehabilitate the unfortunate families purely on humanitarian grounds without any affiliation or consideration for any political party, group, or activities.
- To be the torchbearer for preventing Human Rights Violations and providing legal and financial aid to those who fell victims to economic, social and cultural rights.
Why We Exist
- To aware the society about the basic human rights.
- To empower the women regarding their basic human rights.
- To train the human rights activists by giving them trainings on human rights issues
- To raise awareness, provide free legal advice and services and humanitarian assistance where needed.
- To pay special attention on the basic human rights of the women and children.
- To develop networking, advocacy and lobbying among different government institutions and non-government organizations about human rights issues.
- To develop the self-sustainable projects for the Pakistani community.
- To work for the rehabilitation and welfare of the families of these unfortunate human beings purely on humanitarian grounds in the greater interest of justice and humanity without any affiliation or consideration for any political party, group or activities.
- To take necessary action in preventing Human Rights Violations and providing aid and assistance including legal aid to victims of Human Rights violations and to individuals and Group striving to protect Human Rights.

Our Vision
- Inspire and encourage people to abide by the Human Rights standards
- Create a safe haven for women and children in which they can dream of a bright future
- Spread awareness about the basic Human Rights that people usually are unaware of
- Safeguard the women and children against assault, abuse and iniquity.
- Fights against all forms of injustices, cruelty, inhumanity, and brutality
- Fair treatment to people demanding their must-have rights and freedoms of civil liberties
Future Insights
Sarim Burney Welfare Trust International has been working for years against the injustice and inhumane activities germinating not just in Pakistan but also around the world. To extend the scope of our endeavors, we will launching new projects to cater to the needs of people treated unjustly in any part of the world. We have our keen attention towards social injustice that goes unnoticed; we are constantly working to give our full measure and counter such issues.